These flags are used for SPECjAppServer results 20071107-00092 and 20071107-00095 for the Sun Java Systems Application Server 9.1 Update Release 1 1) DATABASE LOGGING FLAGS -Dcom.sun.jts.dblogging.insertquery=insert into txn_log_table_0 values ( ? , ? , ? ) -Dcom.sun.jts.dblogging.deletequery=delete from txn_log_table_0 where localtid = ? and servername = ? These flags identify the database tables and SQL used for transaction logging. For details of how transaction logging works in general, please see 2) CMP PRE-FETCHING FLAGS This flag allows relationship-prefetching for CMP 2.1 Entity Beans to occur over multiple levels (so that if a is releated to b and b is related to c, the flag means you can retrieve a, b, and c in the same query; by default we would retrieve only a and b or b and c depending which entity is accessed).